Green River Literacy and Learning Center

Note: The Classroom Educator module can be applied towards the Associate Level.

This 60 hour course is designed for both a 1:1 remedial or small group setting. This comprehensive training focuses upon the multisensory principles of teaching as well as evidence-based reading instruction. The course content involves a deep dive into: the neurological underpinnings of dyslexia, the history and structure of the English Language, phonological and phonemic awareness, speech sounds/articulation, phonics including spelling generalizations, syllable types and division patterns, an introduction to morphology, and practice designing and delivering diagnostic and prescriptive lesson.This course fulfills the curricula and standards set forth by the OGA at the Associate level. A 100 hour practicum follows and can be arranged upon request. Graduate Credit available.

Prerequisite: Bachelors Degree
Fellows: Laurie Cousseau, ATF/OGA