2021-2022 Associate Level B Practicum Update

Considerations for 2021-2022 from the
Standards and Certifying Committees

Associate Level B Practicum

With the continuing uncertainty of the current global pandemic, we realize that many Fellows and trainees are looking for guidance as they strive to meet Academy standards with the added challenges of school schedules, online teaching and tutoring. The following guideline apply to Associate B practicum.

Standard and Accredited Training Track applications.

Guidelines for Practicum at the Associate B Level

Trainees enrolled in  Associate level B training complete 100 hours of their practicum over a minimum of eight consecutive months with a  small group as well as one-on-one.  Five observations (minimum) are completed in a group of at least two students or in a classroom setting. Five observations (minimum) are completed in a one-on-one setting. This remains the recommendation of the Academy.

However, there has been a request for flexibility due to challenges resulting from COVID. So, for this year (2021-2022), the Academy grants Fellows some flexibility to determine the number of observations completed in the group and one-on-one settings. A minimum of 10 observations is still required, but the Fellow may decide how to divide the observations between the group or one-on-one practicum.    


If you have any questions please email the Academy office and we will submit them to the committees for answers.


updated: 12/9/2021