Deb Morris, Katie Takayanagi,ATF/OGA, Jenny Singer Harris, FIT

Coursework and practicum follow the standards and curricula set forth by the Academy at the Certified level. Course is taught by three instructors who are Fellows or FITs of the OGA. Observations may be with any instructor or combination of instructors.

Coursework is 100 hours:

  • 50 hours synchronous
  • 25 hours asynchronous
  • 25 hours conference attendance (virtual attendance is fine)

Practicum: Practicum participants must have a background check (as required by the OGA) for participation in practicum. Background check resource can be provided upon request.

Prerequisite: Associate level membership in the Academy

Fellow: Deb Morris, ATF/OGA, Katie Takayanagi, ATF/OGA, Jenny Singer Harris, FIT/OGA